Sunday, August 24, 2008


I am compulsively checking out the 'back to school' parts of shops to the extent that it's become a nervous tic. Even at the rate at which Reception children are reputed to lose socks, we have enough. I think. Do we need more socks? I seem to be directing my starting-school-by-proxy anxieties into the form of socks.

I did get Daughter something new term but NOT school related the other day - new ballet shoes. I'm flying in the face of the received wisdom ('Reception children will be terribly tired at the end of the school day, even if they are used to full-time nursery, so don't take them to after-school activities') by keeping up Daughter's two classes. Ballet will be Friday 3.35, which I accept may be a disaster, although the Reception children who've made up this class for the last year while Daughter was in 'baby ballet' at 3.00 seemed to have coped perfectly well. Most of the time anyway, there have been a couple of meltdowns. The other class is trampolining, which will be 4.15 on a Monday. Ballet is only half an hour, and not awfully energetic. Trampolining is an hour, and obviously a lot more dynamic. It's the one I really want her to keep up though, as the skills she's picked up would fall away to a greater extent than ballet - I think.

I hope she can cope, if not, we just drop one or both.

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