Friday, August 29, 2008

Former call centre employees for the win

I have my broadband back again. I had to tell the PC and laptop where their DNS servers were, because it appeared the router was lying to them. Bad router. On to the naughty step with you.

Our neighbour came round this morning. She has one child going into Reception with Daughter, and one about to go into Year 1, so is ideally placed to be well informed (having recent experience of starting school, plus caring about it because she's about to go through it again).

So I learned that the school is rather, erm, laid back about telling you what you're supposed to do with your child in the way of reading, homework etc. Which surprises me, maybe they change in later years (school is supposed to be quite academic, which is why this surprises me). On the plus side, she described going to her first parents' evening for her son, and the teacher telling her that she'd picked up on the 'tell' that her son is feeling insecure. Which I thought was pretty good for someone in charge of 30+ children.

30+ because the other thing she said is that there are 34 children in each Reception class. Is that allowed?!

She was also talking about eight days at half term, which is worrying me as I haven't been given a timetable by the school, just used the generic county one. I really hope it isn't eight days. I'm pretty annoyed that we haven't had a timetable actually - we know officially when the children start, but nothing else! I really hope this isn't the beginning of a constant fight where the school fails to acknowledge that parents have lives (and JOBS) and therefore do need to know a few things in advance.

My mum is converting on of Husband's old shirts into a deluxe painting apron for Daughter. :)

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