Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday's letter in the bookbag - please help your child find out the meaning of their name. Okay, done. Daughter isn't put out by the fact that her name is actually demonstrably inaccurate, but wasn't amused by my take on her middle name.

Today's - we had a preview of this cos they sent it home, incomplete, by accident last week. Each child has discussed something they'd like to learn to do, something relatively easy to perfect in a short time, it says, like doing up all the buttons on a coat. Daughter has managed to come up with 'learning to ride her bike without stabilisers'.

Oh dear.

I'm not sure this is going to happen. Will report back.

1 comment:

Rachel Cotterill said...

At least she's got ambition! Does she enjoy grazes much?! :)