Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leaving nursery, and birthday parties

I am having 'issues' with my broadband, so I have no idea if this will actually end up being posted.

Fortunately there is no more online shopping to be done, although it would be 'nice' to look at the balance on my credit card ... and when I say 'nice' I mean 'quite alarming really'.

New ballet skirt has arrived, so we're all set for that now. Other Ballet Mum has confirmed the starting date and time as well.

Daughter has just received a second fifth birthday party invitation - it's been interesting to see the pattern in birthday parties developing. There wasn't much around her second birthday, just invites from the two little girls who came to her party. Then for her third she had a joint (village hall) party with one of them, and there was a rash of reciprocal invites in the weeks after. For her fourth, we did the same thing, then there were the reciprocal invites, and then some more about three months later. Now there are a couple for the first month of school. I guess people are more likely to have actual parties as their kids get a little older.

Tomorrow is her last day in nursery. She seems delighted. Obviously I'm glad she's excited about starting school, but I'm a little baffled that she is quite so pleased to be leaving nursery. Baffled, not troubled - it's not in an 'I hate that place and am glad to leave' way at all. I have wondered if she doesn't realise it's for good, but on questioning she does seem to appreciate this - though it's hard to be sure. She's promised that she'll go in to show them her uniform; I'm not sure when we'll do that.

Meanwhile, I am composing a list of things to do while she is in school and I am not in work. Currently I have:
- sort out dentist (my dentist has left the NHS, and I need to either find one who hasn't and is taking on patients, or sort out Denplan or similar)
- get a blood test taken (I have an underactive thyroid and need this monitoring)
- call prison about bike (okay, that really needs explaining - local prison is refurbishing old bikes to send to developing countries, and I've persuaded Husband he does NOT need to keep his old bike in the garage for no reason, so I need to arrange to drop it off)
- new to the list - call Tiscali about my malfunctioning broadband, oh JOY
- go clothes shopping without a bored small child - now that really does deserve JOY
Right then, Ctrl-a (select all), Ctrl-c (copy), then hit 'publish' and hope for the best. Grr.

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